Earlier today, one week after the film's release, Netflix has given the first indication of the viewership numbers for Zack Snyder's new film, Army of the Dead. According to the streamer, who tabulates their metrics by counting anyone watching just two minutes of a title as a "view," said that 72 million households around the world had tuned in to Army of the Dead in the first week. Despite a shady way of counting views (previously they only counted anyone that watched at last 70% of a title) this is an impressive number for the streamer and with just a week under its belt Army of the Dead could very well become the most watched original film from Netflix.
When compared to the Top 10 original Netflix movies as noted by Whats on Netflix, Army of the Dead is already tied for the 9th most watched original movie. Keep in mind this is after just one week for the Snyder directed film, other viewership numbers from the streamer are for the first month of release; so even though Army of the Dead is tied with the George Clooney starring The Midnight Sky which also had 72 million total views, albeit after a month of viewers. Check out the full list below and see how far Army of the Dead has to go to be #1.
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