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Happy Gilmore Video Game Was Once Pitched to Adam Sandler

A video game based on the classic Adam Sandler comedy film Happy Gilmore was at one point in consideration roughly two decades ago. Although the project never came to fruition, the pitch behind it is something that Sandler himself is said to have been greatly interested in.

News of this would-be Happy Gilmore game was revealed by one Mike Mika over on Twitter recently. Mike served as the studio head at Digital Eclipse, which was the company that ended up pitching this project to Sandler and his team at Happy Madison Productions. According to Mika, the game would have combined elements of both fighting and sports genres to resemble the nature of the film and its titular characters. "It should have been greenlit because it was a great idea," Mika said. He also shared an image from what looks to be an old pitch document for the project.

Talking about the game even further, Mika said that Sandler himself was actually very much aware of this Happy Gilmore game idea and he was "super supportive" of it. He also spoke highly of Sandler's brother, who is said to have really tried his best to get certain companies to come together to make this game happen. Mika went on to say that Digital Eclipse also worked with Happy Madison on a video game version of Sandler's film Little Nicky and said that the team as a whole was great to work with.

In all honesty, it's a bit surprising that this Happy Gilmore game never ended up coming about. Years back when this would have been pitched, video games based on licensed properties were a dime a dozen. Sadly, it seems like there just happened to be a breakdown at some point in this project's pitching process, which leaves us left wondering what it could have looked like.

So what do you think about this revelation? Do you think you would have played a game based on Happy Gilmore back in the day? Let me know either down in the comments or over on Twitter at @MooreMan12.

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