David Harbour has been busy promoting his latest project, a little film titled Black Widow. While doing press for the new Marvel movie, Harbour has been getting some questions about another big project, Stranger Things. The actor has been filming the show's highly-anticipated fourth season and has teased that it's his favorite one yet. During a recent visit to Hot Ones, Harbour revealed one thing he did not enjoy about the first season of the show: working with Chester the family dog. If you don't remember the Byers' pup, it's because he wasn't brought back for the follow-up seasons. In fact, Harbour told Hot Ones that the dog was so bad, he wanted them to kill off the canine character.
"I hated that f*cking dog so bad," Harbour admitted. "Take after take it would wander off or do something," he explained. "And then I remember the trainer on the sidelines going, 'Come on! We got to make our money!' Yeah, I walked up to them and I was like, 'You know, the Byers should probably have that dog put to sleep next season.'" Harbour added, "We never talk about it the whole rest of the show ... We should find it in the Upside Down in one of these future seasons."
You can watch Harbour's full Hot Ones episode below:
During a another recent chat with Collider, Harbour compared Jim Hopper to Lord of the Rings' Gandalf.
"I can talk about Hopper. I guess I say this about a lot of seasons, but it's my favorite season, in the sense that he's at his purest, he's at his most vulnerable, in a sense. He's been, as we've seen, he's in this Russian prison, so we get to reinvent him in a sense. He gets to have a rebirth from what he had become, and we'd always sort of planned this almost resurrection of you have Gandalf dies, Gandalf the Grey re-emerge, and I'm really interested in this resurgence of him. We get to explore a lot of threads in his life that have merely been hinted at that we get to see a lot more of. And there's some real surprises that you know nothing about that will start to come out in this and play big as the series goes on," Harbour shared.
Netflix has yet to announce a release date for the fourth season of Stranger Things. Black Widow is currently playing in theatres and is available to buy on Disney+ Premier Access.
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