From @TWalkingDWorld and @MoviesThatMaher
Gage stabbing himself to prevent feeling the pain of being eaten alive by walkers...this is some dark stuff.#TheWalkingDead
-- The Walking Dead World (@TWalkingDWorld) August 30, 2021
prevnextMaggie that is so cold ?#TheWalkingDead
-- Movies That Maher w The Viking (@MoviesThatMaher) August 30, 2021
From @fjdinardo and @Golden_Josette
Maggie is cold blooded. Damn that was a rough scene. #TheWalkingDead #TWD
-- Frank Dinardo ?? ??? (@fjdinardo) August 30, 2021
prevnextReally do not care about this stupid boy ? he shouldn't have left the group in the first place #TheWalkingDead #TWD
-- Allie (@Golden_Josette) August 30, 2021
From @bigdogXVI and @KlownyJ
#TheWalkingDead Maggie had to have had a flashback to this moment when Gage called her a liar. At least he went out his own way rather than being eaten while still alive
-- Brendon Smith??? (@bigdogXVI) August 30, 2021
prevnextBut Negan was the asshole for trying to leave Maggie? #TheWalkingDead
-- Klowny J - CPW: Reboot Sept 12!! (@KlownyJ) August 30, 2021
From @unreticentmind and @beawitching4
Hmmm Maggie had time to save him. How is that any different t from what Negan did? Double standard. #TheWalkingDead #TWD #TalkingDead
-- Unreticent Mind (@unreticentmind) August 30, 2021
prevnextDefinitely dislike Maggie more than I already did ? #TWD #TheWalkingDead
-- ? (@beawitching4) August 30, 2021
From @FrancesStockton and @AuthorSDJohnson
Whoa! Maggie just pulled a Negan. That was brutal. Poor Gage. #TheWalkingDead
-- FrancesStockton (@FrancesStockton) August 30, 2021
prevnextMaggie is going to let that kid die... #twd #twdfamilly #TheWalkingDead
-- Samone Wrote The Falling Scion Series!!! (@AuthorSDJohnson) August 30, 2021
From @DammitWade and @twdecastro
-- Deadpool (@DammitWade) August 30, 2021
prevnextI am here for stone cold Father Gabriel. ???#TheWalkingDead
-- Derek ?? (@twdecastro) August 30, 2021
From @LightInMyPocket and @oryomai
Gage, quick, go under the car and find the door underneath.
- said no one ????
-- Lauren (@LightInMyPocket) August 30, 2021
He was in trouble but they didn't help. They didn't kill him. Difference?
#TWD #TheWalkingDead #TheTalkingDead
prevnextSo I'm supposed to think Maggie is still good after this? That was cold. @WalkingDead_AMC @AMCTalkingDead #TheWalkingDead #TWD
-- Blair (she/her/hers) (@oryomai) August 30, 2021
From @demetriad5369 and @DaisyaSpencer
Negan wasn't wrong about Maggie... Y'all could have done something. He was just a kid #TheWalkingDead
-- Demetria (@demetriad5369) August 30, 2021
prevnextNow....if I was Negan, and I just saw what Maggie did to that guy (or really what she didn't do), I would literally bring that up every time she talks crap to me. Every chance that I could get and I don't care how petty that makes me look. #TheWalkingDead
-- Daisya Spencer (@DaisyaSpencer) August 30, 2021
From @VivaciousLaugh and @PamMarci
@WalkingDead_AMC So Maggie just did what Negan did to her but she actually condemned the kid? She's worse to me!!!! #TWD #TheWalkingDead
-- JustTina ???? (@VivaciousLaugh) August 30, 2021
prevnextSometimes someone you don't trust leaves you to be eaten alive, and sometimes someone you trust leaves you to be eaten alive... #TheWalkingDead
-- Pam Friedman? (@PamMarci) August 30, 2021
From @lgbtarrons and @iammisslalaj
maggie honey i'm willing to look the other way on this one! it was very, very wrong of you but ily to much to be mad ??? #TheWalkingDead
-- shan misses krel (@lgbtarrons) August 30, 2021
prevnextSoooooo y'all just going to sit and watch the boy get killed by the Walkers. It's about to a cold blooded season I see. #TWD #TheWalkingDead
-- LaLa (@iammisslalaj) August 30, 2021
From @Roybq and @StarryMag
Welp, this is awkward.
-- Roy Klementsen (@Roybq) August 30, 2021
Maggie basically just did what Negan did to her. #TheWalkingDead @WalkingDead_AMC #TalkingDead @talkingdead #TWD
We are not dealing with "Farm girl Maggie" or Glen's wife, Maggie. This is a whole new Maggie and she is DARK! #TWD#TheWalkingDead
-- StarryMag (@StarryMag) August 30, 2021
Follow the author @CameronBonomolo on Twitter for all things TWD Universe. The Walking Dead Season 11 airs Sundays at 9/8c on AMC.
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