Choosing violence on a Friday afternoon, the official Invincible Twitter account trolled every single fan of the Amazon Prime series this afternoon. In a tweet that read "Maybe I can blame it on being the new guy? It's Friday, after all," the posted video appeared to be about to reveal something for the upcoming new episodes of the show but, as one might expect from being on the internet, it didn't go as planned. Teasing folders like "Season 2 (Full Episodes)" and "Spicy Memes," the video ends with Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" rather than reveal anything. Check it out along with the fan reaction below.
It was previously confirmed that Invincible had been renewed not only for season two but also season three! The animated series debuted its season one finale earlier this year but work on the next batches of episodes are already happening. The InvincibleHQ Twitter account previously took to social media with a gruesome image that teases what's to come, using the bloody title card seen at the start of each episode but now featuring the characters of the series attempting to clean up the aftermath.
"I look at it like a second draft," Robert Kirkman previosuly told in an exclusive interview about the series. "I think the baseball sequence that we've already released is a really good example of that they play baseball in the comic book series, but they're not talking about anything of note, the conversation that exists in the television show that I wrote, not only has, you know, really added level of performance if I could learn how to speak or added level of like what's going on there. They're talking about Invincible getting his superhero name but there's also like little tweaks...I think that's a really good example of how we're able to take a scene that exists in the comic book and really plus it up in some cool ways."
Look for season two and three of Invincible on Amazon Prime Video soon!
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