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One Piece Stuns With Luffy's Newest Gear Fourth Moment: Watch

One Piece stunned with Luffy's big Gear Fourth moment in the newest episode of the anime! Now that Toei Animation and Shueisha have celebrated crossing the monumental 1000th episode milestone, it's time for the anime to look ahead to the future as the war on Onigashima officially breaks out in full. After the Straw Hats gathered together in the midst of the battlefield with the previous episode, the crew will be breaking apart once more as they separate into their respective own battles against Kaido's extended forces. Luckily, Luffy is up to the challenge.

Luffy has shown off some major bursts of strength throughout his running through Onigashima so far, but it seems that he's no longer holding anything back. He wasn't exactly hiding before, but now that the weight has been lifted off of his shoulders he can finally go all out with the full range of his abilities. The biggest example came first with the newest episode as he took down one of the Numbers, a giant the size of a beast that the entire crew once needed to work together to take down long before they made their way to Wano with some well placed (and animated) Gear Fourth: Bounce Man action! Check it out below:

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