FX on Hulu's upcoming American Horror Story spinoff, the similarly-named American Horror Stories has added four new cast members. On Wednesday, series executive producer Ryan Murphy took to Instagram to share a photo of Glee alum Kevin McHale, Pose's Dyll?n Burnside, Riverdale's Charles Melton, and The Prom's Nico Greetham captioning the photo "The Fantastic Four" and tagging it with "#AHStories". No additional information was shared about their roles in the series.
American Horror Stories was first announced last year and will feature one-hour, contained episodes focusing on various myths and legends. The series is set to premiere on FX on Hulu in July. The series will also see American Horror Story favorite Sarah Paulson direct one of the spinoff's episodes. A short teaser for the series aired during the Golden Globes broadcast in March while a poster for the series was released last fall.
"It's the AHS spin off," Murphy explained of the poster in a follow-up Tweet at the time. "We are doing 16 one hour standalone episodes delving into horror myths, legends, and lore...many of these episodes will feature AHS stars you know and love. More to follow..."
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"We couldn't be more excited about our roster of new and returning shows slated through next year," Eric Schrier, President, FX Entertainment said when the series was ordered. "It has been an extraordinary time for FX over these past three months with the launch of FX on Hulu, which has transformed our business. We believe the continued strength of our original series coupled with the growing awareness of FX on Hulu as our streaming platform will make the FX brand stronger and more relevant and accessible than ever before."
American Horror Stories will debut on FX on Hulu in July. American Horror Story: Double Feature will kick off once American Horror Stories wraps up. Double Feature's final episode is set to coincide with Halloween.
Are you looking forward to American Horror Stories? What do you think about this casting news? Are you looking forward to American Horror Story: Double Feature? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section.
H/T: TVLine
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