Today in 1987, "Star Trek: The Next Generation" debuted with "Encounter at Farpoint," introducing Captain Picard, Commander Riker, and the crew of the USS Enterprise-D.#StarTrek
-- ? (@TrekCore) September 28, 2021
I still remember watching it
prevnextStar Trek TNG first aired 34 years ago tonight. I still remember watching it on the small TV in the corner of the Blue Room at the SUB @UNB.
-- Blair T Sawler (@BlairSawler) September 28, 2021
Jean-Luc Picard, Captain of the USS Enterprise and noted serial killer
prevnextSTAR TREK HISTORY: On this day in 1987, the first episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation aired, featuring Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard, Captain of the USS Enterprise and noted serial killer.
-- Shreddie Guerrero (@El_Rey_De_Iowa) September 28, 2021
My very favorite
prevnextHappy 34th anniversary ?
-- Astrid (@astrid_klos) September 28, 2021
to my very favorite ?
Star Trek: The Next Generation?
prevnextI wish they made an episode of Star Trek Next Generation with just a day in the life of Worf where he walked around annoyed at the crew and his comments and thoughts sort of like what they did with data. #StarTrekTNG #StarTrek #worf
-- Antonio Sosa (@4kSosa) September 28, 2021
Patrick Stewart was a year younger than I am now
prevnextOn this day in 1987, Star Trek: The Next Generation premiered. Patrick Stewart was a year younger than I am now, almost to the day.
-- The Incredulous Kurt (@kurtquistador) September 28, 2021
How come he looked all cool and distinguished, and I look like a homeless dude that got kicked out an anime convention for shoplifting T shirts?
Mild production design critique
prevnextStar Trek: The Next Generation is like "Here's our spaceship with loads of windows to look at outer space but also all of the artwork hanging in the ship are paintings of outer space."
-- Zelda MacGregor (@zeldamacgregor) September 28, 2021
Can Star Trek be done without Kirk, Spock and McCoy?
prevToday is the 34th anniversary of the debut of Star Trek: The Next Generation. The show that faced skepticism as it took on the question, can Star Trek be done without Kirk, Spock and McCoy? #StarTrekTNG
-- Brian Rittmeyer (@BCRittmeyer) September 28, 2021
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